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Addio Inghilterra, ciao Firenze

A new adventure

It began as a whisper, a small flame.

Gathering strength and momentum it sought a way to nurture, grow and define itself, to gain clarity and fulfil potential.

Ultimately the path led to a road less travelled.

It led to Florence.

Leaving an active and full life as a physiotherapist in Australia in 2014 I followed a dream, wondering where a summer art course in Florence might lead.

10 months were spent reliving the delights of four distinct seasons in England while completing art commissions and working to help fund the next venture.

Now comes the final leap - crossing oceans and career paths to dive deeply into a pool of learning and life that is only to be found in the cultural and creative hub of Florence.

More specifically - to immerse myself joyfully in the study of classical realism at the Florence Academy of Art.

Ciao Italia e cin cin!

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