Sarah Hardy
Fine Art

Art has been an integral part of my life though only in recent years a professional venture.
The work of the Old Masters captivated me from an early age and recently led me toward an exciting chapter of learning at the Florence Academy of Art, immersing myself in the 3 year advanced drawing and painting programme.
I believe every life experience serves as potential learning to broaden and deepen our understanding, compassion and human empathy. Such knowledge provides the bedrock for our existence and nurtures our capacity to relate to one another in the time we are here - and through our art - hopefully after.
Art is a powerful way to capture, express and connect with what really matters.
For me, the art that resonates, that moves and changes us - is that which captures something of the rich tapestry of life, both beauty and quiet power, a feeling, a moment, something that speaks to the heart and core of our existence, that reflects or stirs and challenges our identity and our place in the world.
The miracle and magic of nature and the human form have long fascinated me. I see our paths as inextricably linked. Each has the power to nurture and benefit the other, providing we embrace our human responsibility not to destroy through ignorance, greed or neglect.
Though infinitely different - we are one in our collective humanity and to capture something of the spirit of life and light in their rich variety and forms would be my lifelong goal.
I hope you find what you are looking for and thank you for visiting.
Sarah Hardy